Title: Why school is good for you.
Intro: Why is school good for you, you ask? Well let me tell you here we go.
One reason why school is important is because if you don’t go to school you will end up doing things that are worrying or dangerous for yourself or others. For example if you don’t learn math and your job is scaffolding you mean get the measurements worry and the scaffold mean fall all apart.
The next reason why school is important is because if your mum and dad have work you can also learn and so you can have the same job as your mum or dad. The best part about school is that you can start with your friends, family and the ones you care about.
One of the reasons why I like school is because I can do more than I think and you have people that can help you if you are stuck. The best thing about school is that no one can put you down and if someone does you can talk about it, but if you are at home and someone but you down you really can’t do something about it, because your mum or dad will tell them but they will not stop.